Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research–Central Leather Research Institute (CSIR–CLRI)

CSIR-Central Leather Research Institue
A meeting was held on 21.12.2021 between Team, CSIR-CLRI, and M/s Aamati Green Private Limited, Mumbai in connection with long-term collaboration between the Institution and Industry.

Central Leather Research Institute or CLRI is the world's largest leather research institute in terms of research papers and patents.The institute Located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu was founded on 24 April 1948 as a constituent laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
National Technology Day was celebrated at CSIR-CLRI.
Dr. Thanikaivelan, Senior Principal Scientist, delivered the welcome address.
Dr. Subhendu Chakrabarti, Chief Scientist, gave a foreword on Technology Day and introduced the speaker Pratik Dadhania, Founder of Aamati Green Pvt Ltd, Mumbai to the audience.
The speaker gave a guest lecture on "Social Innovation & Advancement".
Shri G Shanmugasundaram delivered the vote of thanks.

CSIR-CLRI celebrated its 76th Foundation Day Celebration on 01st May 2023
Exchange of Technology transfer for exclusive licensing of patent rights with Aamati Green Private Limited
Dr. B.M. Das Memorial Lecture of "Climate Change Status, Projections, and Implications" by Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Director, NIAS & Chancellor, TERI-SAS.